Category: Indigo Insight

REIKI – USUI Training

My Reiki lineage. Reiki lineage is a very important aspect to being a Reiki practitioner and I am very proud to provide my lineage below and also a digital copy of my Reiki certificates from my Reiki masters Jennifer and Danny Holmes.

Complimentary Medical Association

Mark is a proud member of the Complimentary Medical Association: Marks CMA Profile:


Be careful how you talk to yourself because you are listening!! Stop stopping yourself……. Your life is as good as your mind-set, when things change inside of you, things change around you! The choice is yours.

Look after your Chakras

Why are chakras important? In order for our bodies to function in an optimal way, ALL of our 7 main Chakra’s need to be balanced in order to allow our energy to flow smoothly through our bodies. If just one of the energy centres isContinue reading

Reiki Lineages

This is by no means a complete world history of all the various branches of Reiki but it is interesting information all the same. ============================================================ Usui/Tibetan Reiki (My Lineage) LINEAGE: Usui – Hayashi – Takata – Furumoto – Carrell Ann Farmer – Leah Smith –Continue reading

Business Psychotherapy

Increasing Productivity and Well-being, Reducing Stress Business Psychotherapy How is Business Psychotherapy useful? The ever increasing pressures of work and the effect this can have on both our personal lives and our performance at work, which in turn can affect our overall enjoyment of life,Continue reading


Definition: Hypnotherapy is the treatment of a variety of health conditions by hypnotism or by inducing prolonged sleep.