About Indigo Insight


Welcome to Indigo Insight. We hope you will find what you are looking for and as always we are here to help and guide you on your path.

Mark Spooner MCMA
Profile Details.

On-going Professional Development Training: Reflexology Basic and Advanced, Anatomy & Biology Diploma and Holistic Therapy Business Diploma.

Member of the following associations:
CMA Qualified Practitioner Therapist (https://www.the-cma.org.uk/practitioners/mark-spooner/)

Mark’s skill-set and intuitive methods of working with clients works at many levels of Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy and Reiki. Specialising, but not limited to, working with older souls and higher vibrational beings at very deep levels. Life mapping and soul therapy for not only past life healing but also present and future insights. He has insights into the needs and best practice for Indigo, Star Seed, Rainbow and Crystal children and adults.

Why I practice?

Because I love helping people help themselves and helping people to realise their own potential and gain insights into how they fit into the world. Helping people make sense of and sort out their world.

Mark has produced a video which we hope explains, in a nutshell, the kinds of experiences and services we provide and share.

We look forward to working with you. Blessings.

email: info@indigoinsight.me

You can book a session here.